Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tickle: Super IQ test

The Super IQ Test
How Smart Are You Really?

William, your Super IQ score is 131

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you a Creative Theorist. This means you are a highly intelligent, complex person. You are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others you also have a very rich imagination.

How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Creative Theorist? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Creative Theorist. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.

Don't know why they're calling me William. I hate that the names Liam! But 131 was an okay score. Did one before and was 144 so am obviously drinking far too much!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Dolphins circle bathers as shark homes in

Three schoolgirls and a lifeguard were 'saved' from being attacked by a great white shark by a ring of dolphins.

Monday, December 06, 2004

I'm Ulysses by James Joyce!

You're Ulysses by James Joyce

Most people are convinced that you don't make any sense, but compared
to what else you could say, what you're saying now makes tons of sense. What people do
understand about you is your vulgarity, which has convinced people that you are at once
brilliant and repugnant. Meanwhile you are content to wander around aimlessly, taking in
the sights and sounds of the city. What you see is vast, almost limitless, and brings you
additional fame. When no one is looking, you dream of being a Greek folk hero.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Anti-spam plan overwhelms sites

As reported earlier this week Lycos released their Make Love Not Spam screen saver which targets 'known' spam sites.

It's really a DDOS attack, and has proven too effective. Indeed now their own MLNS site isn't responding.

Whilst I hate spam and get a lot more of it than most people, I think it's a terrible idea. A DDOS uses bandwidth and we know the spammers can move on quickly and react to any changes in anti spam.

Wouldn't they be better off scanning thier users outgoing mail and stopping spam that originates from their network?

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Oh My God It Burns

The put cheap vodka through a Brita Filter until it tastes better than a better control drink.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Mutterings Week 93

  1. Childhood:: Cuddles
  2. Ransom:: note
  3. Melissa:: Etheridge Hart
  4. Trust me:: I'm a doctor
  5. Report:: overdue
  6. Give up:: stop
  7. Nightgown:: nightdress
  8. Smokes:: dies
  9. Cookies & cream:: egg & bacon
  10. Gameshow:: host

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Spoilt Victorian Child

Spoilt Victorian Child links to an Adam & the Antz song Car Trouble.

Man I loved the first Antz album Dirk Wears White Sox. My sister ripped the cover then glued it back together, and we lost a tune as she put the record back in when the glue was still wet!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Right now:: Right here
  2. Halloween:: trick or treat
  3. Provider:: giver
  4. Rescue me:: Fontella Bass
  5. Confidence:: charm
  6. Fungus:: Fungus the Bogeyman
  7. Candy corn:: popcorn
  8. Reunion:: meeting
  9. Winner:: loser
  10. Tradition:: spectacle

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Legendary radio DJ John Peel dies

I just can't believe this. I honestly don't think a famous / showbiz / celebrity death has ever affected me like this. I'm stunned.

John Peel was the most important DJ to me as a growing youth desperate to discover new music. I listened to his Radio One show 10 to midnight every night.

Back then it was rarely TV, I listed to David 'Kid' Jenson or Andy Kershaw and then John Peel. It was fantastic radio. I used to tape loads of it and make sound-scape / dub edits of the music.

I discovered new wave, goth, dance music, experimental dub & electronica, wierdy folk singers... you name it, if it was on the fringe - and good - John played it.

God bless him.

Monday, October 25, 2004

The Snowmaker

The Snowmaker is an idea for a childrens book I had in 2001 but haven't had time to complete. A small boy has to help help save the world after the creation of a duplicate snowflake begins an ancient apocalyptic prophecy.

This is my small part in the NaNoBlogMo - National Novel Blog Month, inspired by NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writting Month.

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Blackout:: Curtain
  2. Platinum:: record
  3. Leather and lace:: Arsenic and old lace
  4. Court:: Jester
  5. Mind your own business:: MYOB
  6. Gambling:: den
  7. Lily:: lily Langtry
  8. Evasive:: action
  9. Turn-on:: Exciting
  10. Suspect:: criminal

Sunday, October 17, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Dimension:: Third
  2. Roger:: and out
  3. CSI:: investigates
  4. Passenger:: truck
  5. Thankful:: glad
  6. Has-been:: over
  7. Bambino:: baby
  8. Wrinkles:: lines
  9. Cable TV:: satellite
  10. Voicemail:: message

Monday, October 11, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Spacious:: Roomy
  2. Crash:: bang wallop
  3. Autobiography:: book
  4. Sparkly:: shiney
  5. Wild Thing:: grrrrr
  6. Haagen-Das:: ice-cream
  7. Sci-fi:: spaceships, aliens and zombies
  8. Voice:: box
  9. Boy Scouts:: Cubs
  10. Grief:: Counseling

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Courage:: bravery
  2. Stamina:: breath
  3. Leader:: first
  4. Idea:: germ
  5. Rockstar:: Leather
  6. Dew:: mist
  7. Guards:: protects
  8. Lenny:: Bruce
  9. Alliance:: side
  10. Cigarettes:: fags

Monday, September 27, 2004

LunaNi� | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Diminishing:: Returns
  2. Fed up:: ...big sigh...
  3. 3:00 AM:: External (KLF song)
  4. Interfere:: bother
  5. Often:: many
  6. Hay:: hay hay (My 2 year old often says hey hey hey for no reason!)
  7. Prediction:: guess
  8. Homophobia:: queer bashing
  9. Booty call:: bum rap
  10. Enunciate:: pronounce carefully.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Pointless:: existance
  2. Sadistic:: tendency
  3. Bunny:: boiler
  4. Betrayal:: Lesley Isles
  5. Oliver:: army
  6. Star Wars:: crap
  7. Let it ride:: craps
  8. Ray of light:: hope
  9. Tight:: fit
  10. Gadget:: geek

Sunday, September 12, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Self-esteem:: worth
  2. Migraine:: headache
  3. Phoebe:: moon
  4. Nervous:: edgy
  5. Punctual:: timely
  6. Liver damage:: drinking
  7. Legal disclaimer:: pointless
  8. Reverend:: Father
  9. Supple:: lithe
  10. Binder:: book

Monday, September 06, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Reporter:: beat writter
  2. Mythology:: legends
  3. Wimbledon:: Dons
  4. Civilization:: Games
  5. Punctuation:: comma
  6. Party Games:: twister
  7. Flawless:: perfect
  8. Unprecedented:: never
  9. Curry:: flavour
  10. Tropical:: sunset

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. GAME BOY:: Nintendo
  2. Biopsy:: operation
  3. Attack:: attack
  4. Convention:: law
  5. Jewels:: crown
  6. Genetics:: dna
  7. Impostor:: fake
  8. Doug:: Tang
  9. Arbitrary:: random
  10. Oscillate:: wildly

Sunday, August 22, 2004 %7C Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Olympics:: Bore
  2. Wicked:: Willy
  3. Intoxicating:: love
  4. Radical:: particle
  5. Misinformed:: media
  6. Triplets:: quads
  7. Coronation:: rust
  8. Asimov:: issac
  9. Contemporary:: now
  10. 1:: 2

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 %7C Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Server:: Applience (RAQ)
  2. Charlotte:: Church
  3. Jackson:: Five
  4. Resentment:: Ire
  5. Controlling:: Power
  6. Intense:: Feeling
  7. November:: Fifth
  8. Donkey:: Ass
  9. Weave:: Wool
  10. Satisfies:: Mmmmmm.

Friday, August 13, 2004

New footie season starts tommorow

I've gone and got myself into a fantasy league for football now: Fantasy Premier League My team are called the Halos. That compliments my fantasy baseball teams in teh Angels league at Fantasy Baseball UK
Anglo American Alliance
Wierdy Beardy
Heavens Hitters

Sunday, August 08, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Sting:: police
  2. BMW:: Car
  3. Jeremy:: Gasgoine / Clarkson
  4. Audacious:: risky
  5. Drag Queen:: Tranny
  6. Title:: Sir
  7. Stamp:: Collector
  8. Bad:: Ass
  9. Snow White:: 7 dwarfs
  10. Delegate:: hand over

Monday, August 02, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Testicles:: Balls
  2. Ribald:: rude
  3. Auction:: sell
  4. Inch:: centimetre
  5. Tony:: Randall
  6. Phony:: Tony
  7. Stool:: Pigeon
  8. Coyote:: Ugly
  9. Cinderella:: Ugly sisters
  10. Battery:: acid

Friday, July 30, 2004

If It Wasn't for Bad Luck

Walking past the bank downstairs from my flat two weeks ago, on my way home in the rain with my daughter and my attention is brought to the cash point machine by someone looking at it, possibly laughing I can't remember really...

Anyway, there's some money hanging out!

I take, it and go back to the banks front door, but it's closed. (It's about 5 pm.)

I walk back past the machine and see the receipt slip hanging out, get that too, and walk on towards my door.

The slip is for £250! I count the money and yes there's 250 quid there. Result! But, the slip goes on to say the closing balance, three hundred and fifty something. So, the 250 was about 40% of their total wealth. (In that a/c).

I went into the bank the next morning, told them the story, gave them the slip (but not the money) and my moble number to call if the money was claimed.

Now it's TWO WEEKS later, and they've just called me. Someone has come in and claimed the money! ARGH! I have exactly zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing of it left. I was good for a week and did nothing, but after that I thought I was safe - a nice little present from God for being such a good Liam. Sigh... So, I'm going to have to go overdrawn to pay them back!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Sleep:: Cat nap
  2. Stats:: lies
  3. Portfolio:: work
  4. Lipton:: ice tea
  5. Telly:: TV
  6. Immigrate:: emigrate
  7. Viable:: workable
  8. Serene:: calm
  9. Mountain:: climb
  10. Natalie:: girl

Sunday, July 18, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Nostalgia:: Things ain't like they used to be...
  2. Irreplaceable:: unique
  3. Odd:: Strange
  4. James Spader:: Odd
  5. Flamboyant:: Gay
  6. Intense:: Deep
  7. Simple:: Things
  8. Septic:: Tank
  9. Ton:: Ton that mans son (I have NO idea what that's about either...)
  10. Turkey:: Roll

Sunday, July 11, 2004


It was my birthday a couple of days ago (July 6th 1967). I mostly got books, also had a bottle of Vanilla Vodka from my mother-out-law, some baseball papers and a bottle of Branston pickle from Maisy!

Books are:
Pierlugui Collina - The rules of the game
Chuck Palahniuk - Fugitives and Refugies
Richard Matheson - I Am Legend
Neal Stephenson - The Confusion
Caspian Woods - From Acorns

Redstar - Friday 20th August 2004 ULU Malet Street London W1

Redstar and Inner Voice present Demonstration

A live music showcase for one of London's best up and coming bands Redstar, accompanied by Inner Voice (London's choir of visually impaired singers) and live animation by Matt K.
Support by acoustic acts.

Redstar are sort of "Zero 7" like... seeing as I'm getting a couple of hits at the moment I thought I'd blog their gig.

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Crippling:: Pain
  2. Tough:: titty
  3. Slinky:: malinky (childrens book)
  4. Slogan:: brand
  5. Stuffed:: olive (BTW, my Mate stu had a band called Orange Olive!)
  6. Instructions:: rules
  7. Expletive:: swear
  8. Cartoon:: character
  9. Toddler:: Maisy
  10. Insinuation:: claim

Amazingly enough I got to be the first to mutter for the first time ever, so it's a shame my answers are so dull this week! (Except for my Maisy of course!)

Thursday, July 08, 2004


When you find something like this, Omodern, one just has to blog it.

I love this one. Eurobad '74. I mean, there's a bloomin' horse in their kitchen!

Monday, July 05, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Resignation:: leave a job
  2. Coupling:: comedy
  3. Grounded:: stay at home
  4. Habit:: habitat
  5. Chainsaw:: massacre
  6. Rental:: video
  7. Deleted:: removed
  8. Online personals:: classifieds
  9. Penguin:: books
  10. Offend:: hurt

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Sargent Bilko - The Phil Silvers ShowTHE PHIL SILVERS SHOW

I'm spending yet another day at home waiting for a boiler repair man. Monday was diagnostics, Wednesday was a no show (tube strike), and again today. Anyway, I noticed Sgt. Bilko was on the telly, and they showed the last ever episode, Weekend Colonel, where Bilko finally gets put away.

Man, I love Bilko. I wish they'd release the whole lot on DVD.

Monday, June 28, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Lounge:: Sitting room
  2. Photograph:: picture
  3. Catacomb:: cave
  4. Crucifix:: cross
  5. Fire drill:: safety test
  6. Tube:: pasta
  7. Dropped:: fell
  8. LTD:: Limited
  9. Panther:: Cat
  10. Formica:: table

Friday, June 25, 2004

I thought the Swiss were supposed to be neutral

Porugal 2 - England 2
(Portugal win 6-5 on penalties)

Swiss referee Urs Meier was wrong to rule out the late Sol Campbell header which should have given England victory in the 90th minute.

Most of the game he appeared biased in his decisions, and he actualy over-ruled his linesman - who gave the goal - to deny England the win.

Yet another comp that England go out on penalties. What's more Sol Campbell had a goal disallowed in the England Argentina game (where Beckham got sent off) in the world cup France '98. That game finished 2-2, and England lost 4-3.


Wednesday, June 23, 2004

BBC SPORT | Football | Euro 2004 | Italy 2-1 Bulgaria

Despite winning 2-1 against Bulgaria Italy went out of Euro 2004 yesterday! Serves their right for being so negative.

Denmark and Sweden drew 2-2, a result that saw the both through to the next round regardless of the Italian result. Prior to the event, the Italians had accused the Scandanavians of fixing the game. The 2-2 result was 7/2, the shortest odds ever offered by bookmakers William Hills on that scoreline!

Anyway, let's hope Holland can get through tonight and we'll see Germany go out too. With Spain, Italy and Germany out it would be the WWII Fascist Axis states! England have to win the tournament for democracy! (Though we may need some yanks to come in a third of the way through). Thank goodness for the (Canadian born) Owen Hargreaves. He'll be a sub in the final and score the winning goal!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Abundance:: plenty
  2. Casino:: roulette
  3. Shell:: PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client
  4. Overpriced:: Software
  5. Cancellation:: fee
  6. Eternal:: flame
  7. Lyrics:: words
  8. Faith:: religion
  9. Because:: for
  10. Wimp:: Winamp

Monday, June 14, 2004

BBC SPORT | Football | Euro 2004 | France 2-1 England

No. It was Sven's fault.

Rooney should never have been taken off. I'm not a fan of the fat boy, but he was having a great game. To put on that donkey Heskey (Mr. Ed the talking horse) was plain stupidity.

If Sven wanted to save Rooney then give the donkey a carrot in the next game. Not against France!

With two defenders closing in on the player he's tracking back the idiot fouls him, and Zidane levels the score. James in goal hardly moved.

I'm not a fan of Gerrard either - he has anger management problems (although his temper was much better last season) and although he is somewhat skillful I think he's another player hyped up because he plays for Liverpool, but it was no pleasure to see the stupid, sloppy back pass that let Henry in. Just boot it out you scouse &£%^£! James brings down the Frenchman, another penalty, another goal. 2 - 1 to France both goals in extra time.


France 2-1 England

It was my fault.

I ran out of beer and had to switch to wine, it was a Spanish Cava, but still to Galic for God to let go unpunished.


LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Colorblind:: RGB
  2. Shallow:: grave
  3. Erotica:: sexy
  4. Figment:: imagination
  5. Eviction:: notice
  6. Composed:: together
  7. Chill:: out
  8. Girl:: friend
  9. California:: dreaming
  10. Bond:: girl

Saturday, June 12, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Charity:: case
  2. Scale:: metre
  3. Jennifer Lopez:: Bum
  4. Coercion:: force
  5. Meter:: maid
  6. Pressure:: point
  7. June:: is busting out all over
  8. Infestation:: infection
  9. Serial killer:: psycho
  10. Anguish:: pain

Monday, May 31, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Lover:: comfort
  2. Ridiculous:: silly
  3. Oscar:: winner
  4. Tennis:: court
  5. Account Balance:: zero
  6. Hickey:: love bite
  7. License:: to kill
  8. Breathmints:: rolos ? (they're chocoloates)
  9. TexMex:: chiquito
  10. Stepmother:: mother-out-law

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Playdough with Maisy.
As we used the pig stamp I said "We'll go to a farm soon with Grandma Elizabeth and Godpa Richard and see some pigs and have a nice time."
Maisy - "Time".
Me - "Do you know what time is?"
Maisy - "Money!"

Monday, May 24, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Finale:: Ending
  2. Martial arts:: Judo
  3. Flirt:: kiss
  4. Energy:: boost
  5. Flavor:: chocolate
  6. Guess?:: attempt
  7. Accomplishment:: feat
  8. Prom:: queen
  9. Diploma:: cert
  10. Bloody:: war

Monday, May 17, 2004

Eriksson names England squad for Portugal 2004

I'm so disappointed in this squad.

Goalkeepers: David James (Man City), Paul Robinson (Tottenham), Ian Walker (Leicester)
Calamity James and two keepers from teams that got relegated (Robinson played for Leeds till a week ago), and Man City were mighty close to going down too. Have to admit not much better out there...

Defenders: Gary Neville (Man Utd), Phil Neville (Man Utd), Ashley Cole (Arsenal), Wayne Bridge (Chelsea), Sol Campbell (Arsenal), John Terry (Chelsea), Ledley King (Tottenham), Jamie Carragher (Liverpool).

King in defense! He plays for Spurs, they let in 57 goals! Should have gone for Fulham's Zat Knight. Phil Neville only played for Man Utd this season 'cos of Forgetful Ferdinand and all the injuries.

Midfielders: David Beckham (Real Madrid), Paul Scholes (Man Utd), Nicky Butt (Man Utd), Steven Gerrard (Liverpool), Frank Lampard (Chelsea), Owen Hargreaves (Bayern Munich), Kieron Dyer (Newcastle), Joe Cole (Chelsea)

Nicky Butt in the squad when he hardly plays for United anymore - he had just 12 starts - and he looks likely to start for England according to various media bods! I'd have Sean Davis in the squad, and use Dyer or Hargreaves as first choice. Also Sean knows the diamond that Sven is apparently looking at and Sean Davis has scored 5 from midfield even though he missed a chunk of the season, Butt has scored just the once. Forgetting my Fulham bias for just one minute, then pick Parker Chelsea or Kevin Nolan from Bolton, he's scored a bunch of goals this season, why isn't he listed?

Strikers: Michael Owen (Liverpool), Emile Heskey (Liverpool), Darius Vassell (Aston Villa), Wayne Rooney (Everton).

I think Rooney is over rated, and Heskey is only useful as a battering ram. He only has 7 goals for Liverpool. Why not Beattie? Everton scored 45 goals this season, of which Rooney scored 9 (and none in any other competitions.) For Southampton Beattie has scored 14 and Kevin Philips 13. Plus they won't have the attitude problem Rooney has (11 yellow cards). Even Andy Cole has 11 goals.

Standby: Jermain Defoe (Tottenham), Richard Wright (Everton), Matthew Upson (Birmingham), Gareth Southgate (Middlesbrough), Scott Parker (Chelsea), Alan Smith (Leeds).

Alan Smith, 9 goals, side relegated, he's got 9 yellow cards too! Gareth Southgate is injured, not match fit. Jason Euell from Charlton has 10 goals.

My god, it could have been so good, but Svens gone for the same old faces or from the same old teams, and if you're not the medias latest pet wonderboy or play for one of the big sides (historically - most of them had terrible seasons), then like a bad nightclub doorman "your names not on the list and you ain't getting in."

Sunday, May 16, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Playoffs:: Promotion
  2. Morris:: Dancing
  3. Break up:: marriage
  4. Eggs:: bunny
  5. Parker:: pen
  6. Hardy Boys:: ???
  7. Deluxe:: Pepe
  8. Protection:: condom
  9. Girl Scout:: boy-scout
  10. Salsa:: cuba

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Angel by Abbott Handerson Thayer (American, 1849 - 1921)

Angel by Abbott Handerson Thayer (American, 1849 - 1921)
Just found this artist when looking something up, found something else about camoflage, and ended up at Thayer.

I can't believe how modern his women/angels look though they were painted in 1889. Stunning.

American painter, b. Boston, studied in Paris with Gérôme and at the École des Beaux-Arts. Known as a painter of animals and of landscapes, he was also noted for his idealized figures of women, among these The Virgin (Freer Gall. of Art, Washington, D.C.), Caritas (Mus. of Fine Arts, Boston), and Young Woman (Metropolitan Mus.). He also worked in portraiture. With his son Gerald Thayer, he wrote Protective Coloration of the Animal Kingdom (1909), which was used in camouflaging in World War I.
Fulham 0 - Arsenal 1

Damn! We (EVDS) made a silly mistake in the ninth minute under a little bit of pressure from the gunners. Next thing 1 - 0 to the Arsenal. A ball was passed back from Martin Djetou to Edwin Van der Sar, he tried to control it, was robbed by Reyes. Empty net. Goal.

Rest of the game we were the stronger team. We certainly deserved a point, and I will go so far as to say we deserved all bloody three. Damn!

Now Arsenal look like going a whole season unbeaten, they've only got one game left against already relegated Leicester City.

Now we need to win at Bolton, and hope the other results go for us just to stay top ten. Not so long back we looked like getting an European place.

We wore the new (Man City) blue away kit, I didn't really like it before, and I certaintly don't now! It's NOT like watching Fulham. (Pun based on a terrace song for those of you who don't know.)

Stats show we had 12 shots to their 7. There's a case for Vierra going off, and possibly a penalty but the 30 seconds the game got on Monday nights Premiership recap didn't show either incident.


Monday, May 10, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Vagina:: womb
  2. Racism:: The N word
  3. Mother's Day:: March 15th
  4. Fire alarm:: Nee Nah!
  5. Elvis:: Presley
  6. Pregnant:: Pause
  7. Vacation:: holiday
  8. Waffles:: eggs
  9. Perpendicular:: curve
  10. Hospital:: bed

Friday, May 07, 2004

Newcastle went out of the UEFA cup last night, losing to Marseille. 2 - 0 away. Newcastle only needed an away goal to go through, so ascore draw would have been enough. But they slipped up after a free kick was defended and Marseille raced down the other end and scored. Laurent Robert took the kick and for once instead of shooting laid the ball wide to the left back Olivier Bernard. He got a good cross in, but Marseille broke and the rest is history.

Later Marseille got another goal from a dodgy free kick and the it was really game over. Before the kick came in and Didier Drogba (who scored the first) could be seen talking to two team mates, presumably on his instructions they both broke forward, sucked in the defense and Drogba was left unmarked to slot in his second. Givens nearly stopped it.

Didier Drogba was excellent, ran well had good physicality and Marseille didn't cheat much for a European side. (Sorry if that sounds racist but most European players will writhe around with suspected broken legs after the meekest of challenges).

Steve Marlet, who is still technically a Fulham player on loan, seems to work so much harder there than he did for Fulham. There he looks like he's worth a good few million, still way short of the 12.5 Fulham apparently paid at the hight of the transfer boom.

Newcastle should have had a penalty after a handball, but it was a fair result really and yo could see how much they really missed their injured players - Bellamy, Dyer, Woodgate, Jenas...

BBC SPORT | Football | Other European | Newcastle's Euro dream over
the friday five
"This is the end of the Friday Five." That's a shame, but at least I enjoyed it while it lasted. Good luck in your future endeavors Heather.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Sexy:: Lady
  2. Clique:: group
  3. Pledge:: promise
  4. Carbs:: food
  5. Dream Job:: money
  6. Sweeps:: lotto
  7. Soundtrack:: to my life
  8. Hero:: toto
  9. Shave:: razor
  10. Christina:: Name

Saturday, May 01, 2004

This was fairly interesting: ic Liverpool - Is football's spiritual home moving south?. However, it's flawed, whilst the championship may have been won by North West clubs 19 of the last 25 times, southern clubs have been the main challengers.

Furthermore, it seems just to be a vehicle to get what I suspect is the authors hobbyhorse, Everton & Liverpool groundsharing.

Also, I've felt that London teams in the past have had problems because there are so many derby games, which generally don't confirm to the form book. Just take the 2004 championship decider, Arsenal at Spurs, in the end it was 2-2. But on paper Arsenal should have won comfortably. Whilst in the North there are in city derbies, such as Manchesters' City V United, and some inter city rivalry, Leeds V Man United, it generally isn't as fearce. Blackburn v Everton? Bolton V Man City, doesn't stir the blood does it?

Some time ago I wrote a little application to analyse results for differnt league scoring ideas, Alternate Leagues. I may try something to map a team over the years, and now after reading that article, I want to try analysing the teams region too.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Elastic:: band
  2. Intervention:: prvent
  3. Risk:: assesment
  4. Junk food:: burgers
  5. Arrogance:: intolerance
  6. Responsibility:: shoulders
  7. X:: Factor
  8. Marshall:: Law
  9. Kill:: Bill
  10. Brother:: Brother

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I always want British teams to do well in Europe, and even though I'm a Fulham fan I still wanted Chelsea to win last night. So one good thing to come out of their 3 - 1 loss at Monaco is that Big Ron has left ITV.
Atkinson quits ITV Sport He apparently called Chelsea's Marcel Desailly "a fucking lazy nigger".

I always hated Big Ron; that fucker! Biased to Man U, stupid language all of his own, bumbling, racist idiot.

Monday, April 19, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Virginia:: Golden
  2. Soft:: gentle
  3. Carol:: King
  4. Vanity:: Farye
  5. Feminist:: advocate
  6. Alias:: nom de plume
  7. Coward:: yellow
  8. Beer:: juice
  9. Chance:: attempt
  10. Honest:: open

Sunday, April 11, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Boxing:: Ring
  2. Lewis:: Taylor
  3. Bodyguard:: Double
  4. Burnout:: Died
  5. Cruising:: for a bruising
  6. Easter:: egg
  7. AA:: Cars
  8. Research:: section
  9. Redemption:: sin
  10. Snickers:: mars bars

Friday, April 09, 2004

the friday five
1. What do you do for a living?
Web programmer (not really a designer)

2. What do you like most about your job?
using my brain. Being creative. Customers/clients being happy.

3. What do you like least about your job?
Not being able to really 'do stuff' as you've got to work to the customers

4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...
I've allowed myself to become side tracked by something.
Someone has given me grief that isn't my fault (their dial up problems, email, browser, viruses...)

5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
Fireman. :)
Thinking about acting actually... Funny 'cos I hate actors!

Monday, April 05, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Condemn:: Judge
  2. Promiscuous:: sexual
  3. Pro-life:: pro-choice
  4. Mona Lisa:: painting
  5. Crown:: King
  6. Mumble:: murmer
  7. Hack:: cough
  8. Diet:: thin
  9. Introduction:: start
  10. Latin America:: Cuba

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Pitbull:: Terrier
  2. TD:: TH
  3. Carter:: Jimmy
  4. Japan:: Junichi Inamoto
  5. 50:: 50
  6. Streak:: Naked
  7. Rifle:: shot
  8. Trap:: snare
  9. Easter:: egg
  10. Mitt:: baseball

I used to love this game.
Crystal Castles, "Get the gems Bentley Bear!"

Sunday, March 21, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Wife:: Husband
  2. Criminal:: record
  3. Campaign:: trail
  4. Infection:: virus
  5. Portland:: Maine
  6. NASCAR:: racing
  7. IMAX:: cinema
  8. Martian:: landing
  9. Nike:: trainers
  10. Trial:: by jury

Friday, March 19, 2004

Fulham V Chelsea

One of the big games of the season for Fulham - against our nearest (geographically) rivals. They're literally only a few streets away from Fulham's proper ground of Craven Cottage - though I suspect that Chelsea don't see us as rivals at all instead concentrating on Arsenal.

They spent over 100 million pounds on players this season. Good God I'd love to beat them!
Tate Modern | The Unilever Series: Olafur Eliasson

Went to this last Sunday with Maisy, it closes this Sunday which is a shame because it's a wonderful spacey space. Maisy loved it, and I'll post a couple of cracking shots I got of her on soon.

One thing bothered me about the Tate though. Some of the doors had signs saying "No Exit", I don't get it. I can't go through the door to the exit, or I can't go through the door? I just can't ever take the semantic usability hat off I guess.

Monday, March 15, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Old Navy:: Rum
  2. Out:: In
  3. Indecent:: Proposal
  4. UPN:: UPS
  5. Pupil:: Eye
  6. Toothpaste:: toothbrush
  7. 1999:: 2001
  8. Passion:: grief
  9. Social security:: Number
  10. Cliff:: Dover

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Fulham V Leeds: 2 - 0
The game was preceded by a minutes silence for the victims of the Madrid train bombings, which was well respected apart from a few away supporters who were still making their way to the stands (so didn't know about it).

The game was dominated by Fulham. Leeds had some good chances, but they seem more intent on winning free kicks & personal battles than games as they foul, foul and foul again, and the moment they are tackled hit the deck like a sniper has put one on them from the stands. Alan Smith in particular, who is a dirty as they come, just can't stay on his feet when tackled.

The ref today, S. Dunn, didn't have a good game at all. He was harassed by the Leeds players, and he let it get to him, awarding them more free kicks, and us more yellow cards. Despite of everything we (especially in the second half) were superb.

Any worries about a post FA Cup quarter final hang-over were put to rest. We had 20 shots on goal. 12 on target. Leeds had half of that. Steed should have had a hat trick, but managed to miss "sitters". Barry headed wide from two foot. Pembridge had a good shot well saved, but finally Steed combined with Sean Davis who scored our opener on 71 minutes. Later Boa Morte scored after Zat Knight got forward and crossed for LBM to slot in. In the last couple of minutes Leeds missed from close range and hit the crossbar. Fulham held on for a well deserved win. We now have 39 points, and are currently 8th. Leeds are on 22 points at the bottom of the table.

I remember saying to a Leeds fan at the end of last season, that they'd have been better going down then as to stay up for an extra season - with all the extra player wages and other costs - and then go down could kill them off forever.

Friday, March 12, 2004

the friday five
1. What was the last song you heard?
This morning I played Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, song (with words) was probably Reasons to be cheerful by Ian Dury, which Danny Baker played on his breakfast show.

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
Haven't been to the cinema in two years.
On telly I've watched, The Insider and Me, Myself & Irene.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Two lattes, a ham & cheese croissant, cheese & pickle sandwhich.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
See Fulham V Leeds
Buy a lottery ticket
Buy Lesley a birthday present
Buy some booze for party

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Deirdre - works upstairs
Member of staff from Pret a manger
Lesley - my daughters' mother
Maisy - my daughter
Maria - a client

Saturday, March 06, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Dogma:: film
  2. Spirit:: vodka
  3. Voodoo:: doll
  4. Demon:: Internet
  5. Digital:: harmony
  6. Ceremony:: rite
  7. Research:: data
  8. Career:: goals
  9. Penis:: huge
  10. Film:: movie

Friday, March 05, 2004

the friday five
What was...

1. ...your first grade teacher's name?
We don't have that here (England), but the first I can remember as primary school was Mrs. Cooney. Later in infants was Mr. William Dury, and in high school it was Mr. Tombs. (I think I got the schools in the right order, youngest first...)

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
Currently it's Jackie Chan.

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?
Hmmm. I have an appaling memory for things like this. Maybe, Frank Nurse, or Paul / Michael Simons all from infants school, can't remember from primary (or other way round). Blimey, I must be represing some serious shit.

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?
Quaker Oats

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?
Go swimming.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Hollywood:: Bollywood
  2. Censor:: film
  3. Nascar:: racing
  4. Lube:: oil
  5. Mortgage:: payment
  6. Freedom:: fiefdom
  7. Champion:: racer
  8. Reality TV:: People
  9. New York:: New Jersey
  10. Tease:: strip

Monday, February 23, 2004

The Catherine Tate Show
BBC - BBC TWO - Listings
Had a spluttering laugh out loud moment when I heard the following on the above show:
"know what they say about a man that likes a bit of chrome in his kitchen?"
"No, what do they say?"
"He likes a cock up his arse!"
Monday Madness: "1. If I could win loads of money, I'd be so happy!
2. Maybe one day I will try my hand at cactus growing.
3. Before I started blogging, I used to streak.
4. Lemons sure make me scared!
5. If I could fly, I would fly to Australia.
6. If more people were nicely naughty, the world would be a better place.
7. I thought this meme was odd this week. (any letter will do for this one.) "
LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings: "
  1. Angel:: of fortune
  2. Birth:: rebirth
  3. Logic:: brain
  4. Stars:: above
  5. Nursery:: wallpaper
  6. View:: aspect
  7. Hart:: fart
  8. Creation:: records
  9. End:: of time
  10. Fortune:: cookies

Friday, February 20, 2004

the friday five

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor? Years ago, though I do occasionally see a nurse for various minor matters.

2. ...went to the dentist? 6 months ago, just had a reminder letter.

3. ...filled your gas tank? Never - I don't drive.

4. enough sleep? Months and months ago. I have a 20 month old child and run my own business. There is no such thing as sleep... zzzz

5. ...backed up your computer? I don't do full back ups, but I back up all important stuff (documents) every month.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings: "
  1. Dragon:: Welsh
  2. Molecule:: Atom
  3. Tire:: weeken
  4. Mighty:: fallen
  5. Octane:: high
  6. Troll:: spam
  7. Atmosphere:: air
  8. Guide:: lead
  9. Leash:: dog
  10. Dustmite:: grime

Friday, February 13, 2004

the friday five
1. Are you superstitious?
No more so than most people. I don't believe in superstition, but sometimes better safe than sorry!

2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition?
Having to walk back to a particular lamp post in a previous street to walk around it because of some stupidness or other. Also someone I know of, if they see an odd number at the end of the time (the unit of seconds) in a football (soccer) game on telly, they have to keep looking at the number until the tens of seconds is even.

3. Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition?
Don't walk under ladders, or touching wood for luck.

4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?
Yes I believe in luck - but you make your own, see >Richard Wiseman - The Luck Factor
I have various 'lucky numbers' in that they will be ones I'd select in a lottery, game of chance, but I realise that they have no special power, other than being ones I normally do, and therefore in time they will win something.

I often have small ritualistic type things about Fulham, I'll look at a certain shop on my way to a football game, nearly always buy extra strong mints to chew during the match and I'll wear my darkest pants & socks on home game days. I don't blame myself for not doing them if we lose, I just can't help myself!

5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
No. It's a girls thing. ;)

Sunday, February 08, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Identity:: self
  2. Reveal:: unhide
  3. Live:: die
  4. Attitude:: snarl
  5. Night:: time
  6. Nevada:: state
  7. Weekend:: bliss
  8. Write:: wrong (!)
  9. Friend:: pal
  10. Seventeen:: just

Friday, February 06, 2004

the friday five
1. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Jumped from roof of one building to another. I was far too drunk and when I saw them the next day almost shat myself.

2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend/significant other would never approve of?
Oh all the usual things - bunjee jumping, parachute, hand gliding, feeding sharks, deep water diving...

3. On a scale of 1-10, what's your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it's a lifestyle)
midways, five or six.

4. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky?
Oh, I've no idea, have a giggle for while with a thrilling thing, or just get nice and peaceful with the diving.

5. ... and what's the worst?
As a kid I broke an arm coming off a high slide, also careered into a wooden garage door another time when cycling as fast as possible down the street. I ended up with a load of wood in my arm, which needed and operation and I still used to have splinters of wood come to the surface and need cutting out for months afterwards.
Fulham / Everton racism row.

As you (if you're a FFC/EFC fan) may know there's an issue at the moment with Luis Boa Morte (FFC) and Duncan Ferguson (EFC) with DF calling LBM a black cunt. BBC SPORT | Football | Fulham make 'racism' complaint

It doesn't surprise me, a few weeks ago at Loftus road, in the league game their own supporters were being racist towards one of their own players.

After our recent win in the FC Cup BBC SPORT | Football | FA Cup | Fulham 2-1 Everton (aet) I found this page:

So these guys with "Jap Cunt" and "French cunt" and with vindictive such as Nyarko - "Burn him" aren't exactly a bastion of the modern football fan.

So, is it okay to be racist when the player isn't black? I don't think so. Would they have said Burn him about a white player? I doubt it. They sicken me.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Ignore:: empty
  2. Death:: of the maiden
  3. Missy:: elliot
  4. Ballet:: dance
  5. Guest:: account
  6. Campus:: college
  7. Lonely:: hearts
  8. Company:: Sergio
  9. Helicopter:: ride
  10. Sterile:: genepool

Friday, January 30, 2004

the friday five
You have just won one million dollars:
1. Who do you call first? Probably my daughters mother, Lesley
2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? First thing a beer! Then something gadety, I need a new phone, I'd like a digi cam...
3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? My mum's house.
4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? Mum, sister.
5. Do you invest any? If so, how? Try to invest half in stocks and shares. Half million with 5% interest would pay 25,000 a year. Stocks normally return 12%, 60,000.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Sunday, January 25, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings: "
  1. Political:: Discussion
  2. Concentration:: dump
  3. Fish:: face
  4. Lunacy:: madness
  5. Red:: adare
  6. Imply:: hint
  7. Recognize:: notice
  8. Sexist:: comment
  9. Commercial:: break
  10. Stricken:: ailing

Friday, January 23, 2004

Popular Science | How Fit Is Your Brain Right Now?
My final score was 10 out of 13.
the friday five
At this moment, what is your favorite...
1. Joss Stone - For The Love Of You Joss Stone: The Soul Sessions
2. Quakers Oats or eggs and bangers and mash
3. show? BBC THREE - Little Britain
4. ...scent? Vanilla
5. ...quote? "All Earth In One Union"

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

This has tickled my fancy:

"The idea is simple, sortof like a photo gallery, but without any photos whatsoever. With a canvass 170 pixels wide, and 410 pixels high, create a typographical representation of yourself."

Can you type ?

Sunday, January 18, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings: "
  1. Berry:: Black
  2. Fiendish:: Grimley
  3. Bar:: Fly
  4. Frank:: McIntire
  5. Bend:: U
  6. Fanatic:: Relgious
  7. Belch:: Burp
  8. Flagrant:: breach
  9. Burden:: beast of
  10. Flimsy:: paper thin

Friday, January 16, 2004

the friday five

  1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?

    Name, company, web site address, email, fax.

  2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?

    We don't have them in England

  3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?

    I don't drive

  4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?

    No... don't think so.

  5. What would you like your epitaph to be?

    Gosh that's hard... I want to be immortal! "Loving father" would do...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Mitchell:: Warren
  2. Mercury:: Rising
  3. Cycle:: Washing machine
  4. Engagement:: wedding
  5. Alternative:: music
  6. Gang:: bang
  7. Emotional:: blackmail
  8. Skinny:: dipping
  9. Hypochondriac::sickness
  10. Insecure:: feelings

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Fulham back to winning ways.
Fulham Football Club 2 - Everton 1. Despite Everton bringing on Wayne Rooney (he's fat, he's scouse, he'll rob your bleeding' house) and Duncan Furguson as extra attack in the second half along with Radzinskiu, Campbell and Jeffers, Fulham dominated much of the game and deservedly won the match. This makes the upcoming game at Goodison Park in the FA Cup a little more welcoming...

The beginning of this game was end-to-end stuff, Fulham finally getting a goal from the spot after Malbranque was pulled down at the end of the first half. "Want Away Striker" Louis Saha tucked away the penalty. The second half started brightly within a minute Malbranque had scored from open play. Everton threw caution to the wind, brought on all three subs, and bombarded us for the rest of the game. They scored a terrific goal with about 10 minutes to go; we held on and got all the points. Cool beans! I got the penalty on video.

The Everton manager complained afterwards that they should have won, having somehow seen 10 chances on goal in the first 15 minutes. According to the GameCast on ESPN, FFC had 14 shots with 10 on target while Everton had 11 shots with only 5 on target. Now I know I've got "black and white eyes", but his comments are ridiculous!

The ref was Graham Pol, who as the song goes, is a fucking arsehole, the Everton defense were climbing all over Saha, but he never gave a thing for us. Ref's have a hard time - no matter what they do, one section of fans will always feel hard done by, but he really seems to go out of his way to go against Fulham - more annoying as it was the Toffees fans giving him the most stick!

I find it's the old time "big clubs" that no longer are, that cause the most trouble. Getting frustrated about the lack of glory these days. Everton have some song about their "History", so perhaps it's not a suprise that their fans also threw stuff on the pitch at Boa Morte, and one got arrested/pulled out at half time.

Next time we play them is in the FA Cup 5th round, our only away win at Everton was in 1975 when we got to the FA-Cup final. Lets hope we can do it again. COYW!
Stumbled across this site, with an interesting article on sports curses/destiny. Makes my drinking a Guinness the night before a Fulham game and wearing black socks look nice and sane.
Google Search: pimpmobile fulham: "pimpmobile " This is easy!
Google Search: Yezidi redhead: "Yezidi redhead" another googlewhack!
My first Googlewhack
Google Search: Symantec Yezidi (Googlewhack)

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Just did another web site: Stranded In London. Knocked it together in three or four hours. I'm quite pleased with it myself. Let's see what the client says... and if he'll pay ;)
Same ole
I used to read comics a bit many years ago, 2000AD stuff, and the ocational Bastard Bunny (See T-Shirt Museum) which sadly didn't take off. But I recently somehow surfed to a review of Image Comics The Walking Dead (five page preview) and bought it. I am hopelessly hooked... I've got #1 and #3 but NEED to find #2 before I can read on.

I've even went out and bought a Stephen King novel, the Stand as the reviewer said there were parallels!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Middlesbrough 2-1 Fulham
, Shit. Down to seventh now. I get really depressed when we lose to sides we should beat. According to the commentary on the radio the first goal came from a corner which should have never been given... but that's scant consolation, as Boro seemed to have the upper hand the whole time.

I did a bit more work on my own Alternate Football Leagues Scoring, so you can see how last years premiership would have finished with extra points given for score draws or for goals.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Make Beer not War!
Last night I went to a quiz night (second 31 points) at the Theodore Bullfrog, Charing Cross, London, got chatting to the quiz master from Heavenly Marketing Ltd about web stuff, then left at closing to go home. Nice. As I neared my flats two youths were kicking rubbish bags about, so I confronted them. (Stupid thing to do). Anyway, after a few minutes swearing, we all just laughed it off and they invited me for another drink and we ended up having a nice conversation. Cool beans!
Type in a phrase, then Let them sing it for you.
Mr. Picassohead!

Monday, January 05, 2004

Sunday, January 04, 2004

I was born in Neath, so I guess these guys are my Rugby team: Neath RFC - The Welsh All Blacks. Shit we just lost!

Back home in London, my football team, Fulham Football Club who are 5th in the premiership, just managed a 2-1 win against a team 4th from bottom of the third division. Not a great display, but at least it's a win...
LunaNiñ | Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Vintage:: Clothing
  2. Longing:: yearn
  3. Specimen:: jar
  4. Mock:: turtles Google Directory - Arts > Music > Bands and Artists > M > Mock Turtles, The
  5. Shit:: house
  6. Friday:: fun
  7. Cruel:: Summer
  8. Insufficient:: funds
  9. Pessimistic:: attiutude
  10. Grin:: and bear it