Sunday, December 31, 2006

LunaNi� | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Resolution :: Counterpoint
  2. Happy :: New year
  3. Bubbly :: Laughing
  4. Kiss :: Lips
  5. Leather :: Belt
  6. Fancy :: Dress
  7. Pages :: Book
  8. Stupid :: Acting
  9. Apologize :: Speak
  10. Secrets :: Lies

Friday, December 22, 2006

Dr. Imoto's water crystals

Pics of Dr. Imoto's water crystals

Fascinating series of photographs of how water molecules change when exposed to music, or even a thought.

Are you looking?

When you are not looking there are waves of possibility, when you are looking there are particles of experience.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Building link-based popularity

The recent post on building link-based popularity from the webmaster central blog has confused me no end.

It seems to say that link baiting (perhaps earned via will be discounted, whilst it still references Matt Cutts January 2006 article linkbait and linkbaiting, which itself appeared to say that link baiting isn't a bad thing.
To sum up, even though improved algorithms have promoted a transition away from paid or exchanged links towards earned organic links, there still seems to be some confusion within the market about what the most effective link strategy is. So when taking advice from your SEO consultant, keep in mind that nowadays search engines reward sweat-of-the-brow work on content that bait natural links given by choice.

However, if you link bait, and get links in, isn't that by their choice? Or is the sudden frequency of those links an indicator that the links shouldn't be counted or the PR earned discounted. It doesn't include the idea that a linker could add rel=nofollow to their links to let search engines know not to pass on any PR.

So the question we face as "web masters" trying to work social networks and improve our PageRank and SEO is, will Google discount links in they feel are from link bait? One day will they punish the receiving site in any other way? I recently had a PR 4 site penalised 30 places (and more), and then a couple of weeks later dropped out of google completely. This was either for duplicate content or for having the content looking too close to the ads (and vice versa). Traffic is now minimal. If google punish you, then it hurts.

Personally, I think gain the links you want! Do what make sense, do what makes sense for your site, for your audience. If you get links in from sites in a similar "vertical" that's great, if you get a link in from sites outside your area, then that may not be counted by google, that's not a problem. Be aware if you have thousands of links in from link farms and bad areas, then you may get punished.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Inside AdSense: Ad and image placement: a policy clarification

Ad and image placement: a policy clarification We've recently received a number of emails from publishers asking how we feel about the placement of images near Google ad units. There's been some confusion on this issue, and so we turned to our policy team to set the record straight.

You can definitely place Google ads on pages containing images -- just make sure that the ads and images are not arranged in a way that could easily mislead or confuse your visitors. For example, if you run a stock photography site with a catalog of thumbnail images, don't line the ads up with the thumbnails in a way that could be misleading. Consider using a full border around your ads or changing your ad colors, for example.

They also give some examples of bad usage:

Webmaster Help Center - What does it mean to opt-in to enhanced image search?

Opt in to the "enhanced image search" within Google Webmaster Tools and then people can use your images within Google Image Labeler, which will improve your site's images labels/tagging.

I expect Google will then begin to use the public opinion / zeitgeist in addition to your own keywords in the alt tags, which must be a win-win for most websites.

It will be interesting to see if more images searches begin to generate to web traffic on sites that opt in to the enhanced image search.

Sunday, December 10, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings #201

  1. Research :: Work
  2. Chuck :: Jones
  3. Insert :: Delete
  4. Bang :: Boom
  5. Lousy :: crap
  6. Rehearsal :: Practice
  7. Critics :: writers
  8. Memory :: moment
  9. Squid :: Octopus
  10. Remove :: Take away

Sunday, December 03, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings #200

  1. Hello :: Salute
  2. Flinstone :: Flintstone. Mmmm Betty
  3. Corn :: Syrup
  4. Interview :: Vampire
  5. Deviant :: Art
  6. Concept :: Art
  7. Bridge :: Wayne
  8. Karen :: Carpenter
  9. Encounter :: Meet
  10. Biological :: Warfare

Sunday, November 26, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings #199

  1. Rhyme :: Reason
  2. Substantial :: earnings
  3. Instant :: messenger
  4. Greed :: avarice
  5. Brad :: Pitt
  6. Season :: to be Jolly
  7. Accomplished :: master
  8. Invite :: beckon
  9. Sparkle :: glow
  10. Rainbow :: somewhere over the

Sunday, November 19, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings - 198

  1. Teacher :: Blank! Teacher!
  2. Fifty :: Thousand
  3. Crossword :: Puzzle
  4. Stuffed :: Animal
  5. Family :: Portrait
  6. Purr :: Kitten
  7. Toad :: in the hole
  8. Cocktail :: Shaker
  9. Insecurity :: Anxiety
  10. Magical :: Fortress

Sunday, November 12, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Nick :: of time
  2. Focus :: stare
  3. Police :: Zenyatta Mondatta
  4. Miles :: From Home
  5. Earn :: whilst you sleep!
  6. Twice :: the price
  7. Razor :: nick
  8. Personality :: dump
  9. Dumped :: dropped
  10. Reliable :: Safe

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Are McAfee Republican?

I had an email from Michael Moore this morning, plastered across it was "McAfee SiteAdvisor Warning: This email contains links that may be unsafe to visit!"

Sunday, November 05, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings # 196

  1. Theft :: Snatch
  2. Storage :: Locker
  3. Pick :: Select
  4. Los Angeles :: Angels
  5. The one :: She's
  6. Accent :: Raise
  7. Rivalry :: local
  8. Process :: compute
  9. Streets :: of desire
  10. Museum :: of mankind

Monday, October 30, 2006

Inside AdSense: When AdSense met Blogger (in beta)

Inside AdSense: When AdSense met Blogger (in beta)

At last, instead of jumpng through template hoops adsense becomes plug and play in blogger.

Expect to see a lot more ads around "here" very quickly.

Sunday, October 29, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings #195

  1. Costume :: Halloween
  2. Beg :: borrow or steal
  3. Hottie :: Cakie
  4. Celebrity :: Squares
  5. Saturday :: Night
  6. Buckle :: my shoe
  7. Doorbell :: ring
  8. Rude :: Nude
  9. Absence :: makes the heart grow fonder
  10. Hyper :: drive

Sunday, October 22, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings #194

  1. Stuff :: and nonsense
  2. Block :: quote
  3. Ingredient :: item
  4. Flagrant :: disregard
  5. Dandruff :: hair
  6. Betty :: Puppy
  7. Tide :: turned
  8. Judges :: rules
  9. Take it easy :: calm down
  10. Chef :: Cook

Sunday, October 15, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Weeks :: 193
  2. Cough :: Tickly
  3. Jail :: bait
  4. Produced :: Created
  5. ? :: Question
  6. Stapler :: Gun
  7. Next :: Directory
  8. Perky :: Oooh
  9. Oxygen :: Air
  10. Musical :: Genius

Sunday, October 08, 2006


BritBlog is a new article blog I've started on my new US server,

It uses WordPress, which I've been meaning to try out for a while, as I like the idea of categories.

I've customised the theme a little and added in support for Adsense, Chitika and social bookmarking.

I've added approximately 230 articles already mostly bought in, though half a dozen or so are entirely new content.

The aim with this blog is purely ad revenue, and I'm interested in how quickly it will become indexed. I've seeded a page though StumbleUpon, which received a little spike of traffic. Other than that there are only a couple of links in.

One from Noogle which has PR 4, and a link through Britstream, which has a PR 5. | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Opinion :: Maker
  2. Tardy :: late
  3. Peer pressure :: social niceties
  4. Grownup :: adult
  5. ! :: Bang
  6. Beer :: goggles
  7. Sit :: up
  8. Shower :: bath
  9. Consumate :: ease
  10. Wasting :: away

Sunday, October 01, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Taxes :: Death
  2. Hooray :: Yahoo
  3. Justification :: Rights
  4. Shocking :: Defending
  5. Bureaucracy :: Paperwork
  6. Porn :: Pr0n
  7. Silly :: Billy
  8. DJ :: Disc Jockey
  9. Swing :: Beat
  10. Anti- :: establishmentism

Friday, September 29, 2006

Official Google Blog: Your inbox for the web

I've been using the Google Reader for a while, and they have just improved the interface.

I tend to use Firefox for some feeds, and google for those with "podcasts" as they will be played within the reader with no need to launch any other software.

Personally, I like to keep the amount of feeds in the google reader low, so I actually read them, most of the ones in the Firefox RSS list are ignored.

However, with the new sharing facility I might see if I can manage a few more in there...

Sunday, September 24, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Bell :: Jar
  2. Abuse :: Anger
  3. Relief :: Pain
  4. List :: <li>
  5. Concern :: Compassion
  6. Absolute :: Zero
  7. Cling :: Film
  8. Dump :: Discard
  9. Terminate :: End
  10. Wine :: Days of Wine and Roses.

Dr. Razavi's Good to Know Info: How Much Exercise Is Needed for a Healthy Heart?

Dr. Razavi, who I think is a doc over at Google HQ, discusses how much exercise is required to maintian a healthy heart.

Monday, September 18, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Running :: with scissors

  2. Alternative :: ending

  3. Cope :: panic

  4. Lots :: of love

  5. Sympathetic :: ear

  6. Barn :: Shed

  7. Totally :: honest

  8. Baby :: love

  9. Undeniable :: truth

  10. Watermelon :: man


Sunday, September 10, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. True love :: lifetime
  2. Age :: concern
  3. Stern :: severe
  4. Elastic :: rubber
  5. Rustic :: rural
  6. Enhance :: increase
  7. Jackson :: Pollock
  8. Inherit :: earn
  9. Devious :: conniving
  10. Scapegoat :: blame

Sunday, August 20, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Cruel :: Sea
  2. Jive :: Hand
  3. Weak :: Poorly
  4. Understand :: Empathise
  5. Bum :: bum
  6. Stairs :: under the
  7. Tone :: Sound
  8. Quickly :: Quicker
  9. Moment :: Fleeting
  10. Beating :: Up

Monday, August 14, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Kim :: 73
  2. Designate :: order
  3. Liner :: ocean
  4. Weed :: skunk
  5. Infusion :: tea
  6. Nutritious :: Healthy
  7. Favorites :: Links
  8. Transform :: skew
  9. 42 :: Skidoo
  10. Sunday afternoon :: Lazing

Sunday, July 30, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Italy :: Boot
  2. Honk :: Tonk
  3. Shades :: Sunglasses
  4. Tool :: Spanner
  5. Modern :: Living
  6. Tension :: Nervousness
  7. Conservative :: Tory
  8. Weight :: Loss
  9. Insurance :: Fraud
  10. Political :: Party

Friday, July 28, 2006

Sunday, July 23, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Requirements :: prerequisites
  2. Pizza :: Piazza
  3. Dating :: Service
  4. Issue :: Charge
  5. Sharp :: Point
  6. Distinguish :: Unique
  7. Remote :: Control
  8. Felony :: Crime
  9. Exercise :: Situp
  10. Choose :: Life

Friday, July 21, 2006

My very good client Natural Products Worldwide, "Gifts for all" wanted a new site for their US wholesale operation.

Happy to oblige I registered it and created a simple logo, which I based on the colours of the American flag. Happily they are delighted with it. Funny how the simple things often turn out the best.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

YouTube - Ella Fitzgerald - Summertime (1968)

YouTube - Ukulele weeps by Jake Shimabukuro

YouTube - Children Laughing | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Face it :: Own Up
  2. Healthy :: Eating
  3. Cartoon :: Network
  4. Device :: Gizmo
  5. Raider :: Team
  6. Closer :: Nearer
  7. Admission :: Price
  8. Culture :: Vulture
  9. Stakes :: Poles
  10. Heartbroken :: devastated | Unconscious Mutterings - my 4 year old daughter

Special guest star my four year old daughter:

  1. Face it :: Don't know
  2. Healthy :: food
  3. Cartoon :: videos
  4. Device :: don't know that one - can you do toilet please - Wee wee & poo poo.
  5. Raider :: Radiator
  6. Closer :: Closer the bin
  7. Admission :: D.V.E
  8. Culture :: People
  9. Stakes :: sandwiches
  10. Heartbroken :: A glass of wine is broken

Sunday, July 02, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. That :: Cat
  2. Fishbowl :: Life
  3. Church :: State
  4. All about :: Eve
  5. Fist :: Figg
  6. Tagline :: Subheading
  7. Agree :: Concur
  8. Leak :: Spring
  9. Jessica :: Simpson?
  10. Superman :: Christopher Reeves

Sunday, June 25, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Newspaper :: Writer
  2. Crucify :: Jesus
  3. Sausage :: Mustard
  4. Handy :: Andy
  5. Cloak :: Harry Potter
  6. Drunk :: fool
  7. Fuel :: Petrol
  8. Caress :: Kiss
  9. Itch :: Scratch
  10. Vehicle :: Car

Sunday, June 18, 2006

YouTube - 70's Toy Commercials | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Voice :: speech
  2. Us :: together
  3. Passionately :: loving
  4. Humbly :: respectfully
  5. Love songs :: tunes
  6. Dim :: light
  7. Calendar :: month
  8. Careless :: easy
  9. Block :: wedge
  10. Goal :: football

Sunday, June 11, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Band :: Artist
  2. Tan :: Black and ...
  3. Mount :: Pleasant
  4. Arcade :: Fire
  5. Customize :: Personalise
  6. Hamburger :: Union
  7. Solid :: Gone
  8. Forbidden :: Fruit
  9. Deter :: Hazardous
  10. Torment :: Tease

Sunday, June 04, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Fraud :: Fake
  2. Cure :: Kill
  3. Slate :: Clean
  4. Pretentious :: Faker
  5. Splendid :: Lovely
  6. Geek :: Nerd
  7. Blister :: Frostbike
  8. Pizza :: Base
  9. Revive :: Rekindle
  10. Visionary :: Guru

Friday, June 02, 2006

Don't forget

to drink lots of water, and eat too.

Take care of yourself, look ater your tummy please.

207 days

207 days.

Probably 2500 hours.


You promised no matter what we'd always be friends; but when it came down to it, you removed your friendship from me. Asking me not to contact you, and blocked me from doing so on our shared space in which you've also removed my review of you, deleted all your posts, unfriended me...

I made promises too, and I've broken those, so I guess it's fair, but it hurts. It really fucking hurts.
"Please, please don't contact me via phone, email, regular mail or IM."

Kind of stuffed really aren't I? It leaves this medium alone, and I've no idea if you'll ever come here again.

I guess you'll wander past here and see how I am. Well I'm in pain. I wish you well, good luck fighting your daemons, good luck with everything, I hope you have a long and happy life.

You are beautiful, unique and more than anything I want you to be happy & healthy. You were my very best friend, I can't express everything you meant to me. I wish it didn't have to be so difficult, having to fight your internal daemons and the distance. I wish things could have been different. I wish the people that hurt you, and fucked you up never had, and you could be the incredible person I know you be all the time, not just when your internal pain allows.

Goodbye. Good luck.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

LunaNiñ | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Bounce :: Redirect
  2. Wasting time :: Procrastinating
  3. Utility :: Tool
  4. London :: Town
  5. Pregnant :: -sighs- Woman
  6. Cranberry :: Juice
  7. International :: Dispute
  8. Disappointment :: Sigh
  9. Sponsor :: Advert
  10. Second :: Aide

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Adverts on here

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Your blog requires word verification

"Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.

Before we can turn off mandatory word verification on your posts we'll need to have a human review your blog and verify that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review."

Ah well, at least now someone will read my blog, just the once.


That's how I feel.

Too little sleep for too long, plus the ever changeable English weather = one ill boy. Run down, as my mum would say.

Spent last night alternating between hot sweats and freezing cold as the sweat cooled. Nice.

Could someone please bring me a bucket of tea and some toast?

Sunday, May 21, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Yours :: Truly

  2. Charcoal :: Gray

  3. Platitude :: Motto

  4. Graduation :: Ceremony

  5. Hungry :: Hippos

  6. Somewhere :: Over The Rainbow

  7. Nurse :: Night

  8. Freak :: Superfreak

  9. Unbelievable :: Amazing

  10. Walk :: Don't run

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tips and Tools

I slightly redesigned the Tips and Tools section of my personal website today. It's a bid to get more revenue from the advertising on the tips section.

On the advice of The Modern Gent I've removed the border to adsense and cleaned the page up a little.

A few days ago, when I finally looked at the logs, I noticed that a very old and hardly ever updated page Quotes, Mottos, Catchphrases, Slogans & Cliches was actually getting a lot of hits. I've quickly put some ads on there, and links to appropriate books on Amazon... It already has gained a few clicks. Just goes to show, almost everything can be turned into a revenue stream.

Sunday, May 14, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Immune :: free

  2. Together :: forever

  3. Blank :: slate

  4. Professional :: misconduct

  5. Thousand :: pounds

  6. Penetration :: sex

  7. Shutter :: speed

  8. Upside down :: right way up

  9. Neck :: shoulders

  10. Unlisted :: unknown

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Complementary Spam

Are spammers trying to get some good karma by sending out spurious nice messages?

from: NY
comments: Hi. May I aks you who did design for this site? I have my own sites ut I do not like its colors at all. Yours looks much better I guess. Im trying to find someone who are really great designer.

from: NY
comments: Wow. This site is great. I have no words to said more than thanx.

from: Paris
comments: Nice colors! Good job. thankyou.

comments: This is very interesting site...

comments: Greetings to all!:) I wish to establish same guestbook. What should I make for this purpose? It works without mistakes?

comments: Perfect site! Anything superfluous, all is laconic and beautiful. Thanks!

All from:

Ahhh. I almost didn't mark them as spam and put them straight in the bin.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sultan's Elephant

Sultan's Elephant - Squirt
Originally uploaded by liamvictor.
I took my daughter back to her mother Sunday morning and afterwards wondered down to Horseguards to see
The Sultan's Elephant

It was quite simply stunning. I've never used the word "awesome" before, but that fits the bill exactly.

I believe that given a few more hours I'd have worshipped the thing as a God.

I've a bunch of photos in my flickr a/c

There's also a section on the BBC:
BBC - London - Features - Sultan Section

Sunday, May 07, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

# Represent :: Agent
# Mumbling :: fool
# Meetup :: meeting
# Tantalizing :: expecting
# Fake :: fraud
# Dale :: Winton
# Deny :: all charges
# Calories :: counter
# Roll :: rolly polly
# 44 :: 45

Sunday, April 30, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Out of place :: Out of sorts

  2. Helicopter :: Those wizzy tree things that spin...

  3. Francis :: Mitterand... no that's Francois. Francis Bacon.

  4. Ryan :: Giggs

  5. Wedding :: Planner

  6. Apalled :: Disgusted

  7. Historian :: Old

  8. Powerful :: Strong

  9. Sex symbol :: Sexy

  10. Uncomfortable :: Embarrassed

Monday, April 24, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Rising :: sun

  2. Third :: from last

  3. Disruptive :: child

  4. Surround :: sound

  5. Distant :: thunder

  6. Suction :: pad

  7. Fried :: egg

  8. Nuggets :: gold/chicken

  9. Clip :: money

  10. San Antonio :: game

Monday, April 17, 2006

reasons to be cheerful...: not about music, not about love

This post not about music, not about love on reasons to be cheerful... made me think about the piece of music that best summarises love to me.

Powered by Castpost

It's Nimrod by Edward Elgar, taken from his "Enigma Variations". It's a majestic piece of music.

It starts gently, a theme plays and repeats, building and building. It speaks to me of big open skies, long rippling grass in open fields and of coming home. The feeling you get of pride, comfort, peace, of being so happy you can cry, it's a feeling of strength, of having so much you can conquer the world; not with violence but with tranquility.

Sunday, April 16, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Ambition :: Plan

  2. Meatloaf :: Big Guy

  3. Celebrity :: Star

  4. Coach :: life

  5. Slacker :: Gen X

  6. Reflection :: Mirror

  7. Original :: First

  8. Risk :: Adverse

  9. Saved :: Freed

  10. June :: July

Sunday, April 09, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Buck :: Uncle

  2. Harry :: met Sally

  3. Play :: chess

  4. Monstrosity :: Monster

  5. Nightclub :: Bouncer

  6. Missing :: you

  7. Sprout :: vegetable

  8. Flavor :: taste

  9. Identity :: crisis

  10. Saucy :: cheeky

Sunday, April 02, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Desire :: Lust

  2. Sleep :: Rest

  3. Lost :: and found

  4. 2006 :: year

  5. Pump :: gas

  6. Space :: universe

  7. Stuck :: Glue

  8. Reference:: dictionary

  9. Birth:: Life

  10. Hand:: of fate

Sunday, March 26, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Glass castle:: Book

  2. Preserved:: jam

  3. Jealousy:: Green

  4. Territory:: Land

  5. Coffee:: Cafeine

  6. Stephen:: Reed

  7. Slut:: XXX

  8. Dynamic:: HTML

  9. Daybreak:: Dawn

  10. Dew:: drops

Sunday, March 19, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Sugar rush:: Kiddie Crack

  2. Chemical:: Warfare

  3. Suspension:: red card

  4. Defending:: resolute

  5. Conference:: table

  6. Dance:: dance dance (Lemar)

  7. Weather:: Report

  8. Fuel:: guage

  9. Heartbreak:: hotel

  10. Insult:: to injury

Monday, March 13, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Displacement:: Movement

  2. Grease monkey:: Firefox Extention

  3. Vacancy:: Role

  4. Conquer:: Beat

  5. Payroll:: Employee

  6. Personal:: Life

  7. Housewife:: Wife

  8. Lateral:: Thinking

  9. Tissue:: Paper

  10. Multiplication:: Sums

Sunday, March 05, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Upgrade:: Recovery
  2. Happy ending:: life
  3. Stale:: bread
  4. Tripping:: Up
  5. Working:: Week
  6. Explicit:: Sex scene
  7. Happy place:: inside my head
  8. Tornado:: warning
  9. Medication:: drugs
  10. Muppet:: puppet

Sunday, February 26, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

1 Baby step:: tiny
2 Wasted:: years
3 Reggie:: Kray
4 Pitiful:: Pathetic
5 Acting out:: Deranged
6 Tomato:: Red
7 Bad night:: nightmare
8 Trip:: It's a ...., it's got a funky beat
9 Finance charges:: Criminal!
10 Sport:: Fulham

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Why is stuff so hard to open?

So, I've been up to a computer shop and bought some crap I really don't need and can't afford, and I can't open any of it.

It's all sealed in this double reinforced plastic shells that require a crowbar and a kitchen knife to get anywhere near opening it. This stuff is probably kevlar. It's that bloody impossible to get near the goods that I'm more likely to lose a finger than actually touch the frigging headphones or the little flash drive.

So, I reach for a new pair of scissors to hack away, and I can't even open the packaging for that! I need a pair of scissors to open the pair of scissors.

Infinite loop. | Unconscious Mutterings | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Right time:: This is the
  2. Funeral:: Pyre (The Jam)
  3. Calculate:: Calculater
  4. Believe me:: Honest
  5. Chat:: Talk
  6. Anniversary:: Waltz
  7. Let you down:: Disappointed
  8. Shout:: To the Top
  9. Sweatsock:: Trainers
  10. Prayer:: Psalms

Sunday, February 12, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings | Unconscious Mutterings:
  1. Unorthodox:: Jew

  2. Skate:: on thin ice

  3. Hold on:: tight

  4. Europe:: England

  5. Reminder:: Alarm

  6. Gold:: and Myrrh

  7. Calcium:: Deposits

  8. Rated R:: movie

  9. Saturday night:: is alright for fighting (Elton John)

  10. Tell:: Kiss and

Sunday, February 05, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Taking sides:: picking
  2. Couples:: partners
  3. Right of refusal:: choice
  4. Marla:: _nothing_
  5. Mutliple:: personality
  6. Trinity:: trio
  7. Sneeze:: a-tish-oo
  8. Sweatpants:: jogging bottoms
  9. Steve:: Earl
  10. Fabulous:: Absolutely

Sunday, January 29, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Long distance:: love affair
  2. Meant to be:: fated
  3. Here:: and now
  4. Endless:: love
  5. Resentment:: annoyance
  6. Insipid:: dull
  7. Bunny:: honey
  8. Slogan:: logo
  9. Naked:: nude
  10. Sarcasm:: wit

Sunday, January 22, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Alone:: against or (Damned Album)
  2. Science:: she blinded me with (Thomas Dolby)
  3. Deposit:: £3 - for an oyster card
  4. Faithful:: lover
  5. Tender:: lover
  6. Chocolate:: lover
  7. Homework:: papers
  8. Tamper:: fiddle
  9. Friend:: or foe
  10. Wire:: radio

Sunday, January 15, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Paralyzed:: still
  2. Bossy:: boots
  3. Worth:: self
  4. Breathing:: calm
  5. Uneventful:: simple
  6. Return:: to sender
  7. Splint:: broken
  8. Notice:: sign
  9. Hero:: worship
  10. Vulnerable:: protect

Sunday, January 08, 2006 | Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Better off:: dead
  2. Girls:: who like boys
  3. Uniform:: soldiers
  4. Classified:: adverts
  5. Hard:: penis
  6. Kitty:: pussy
  7. Team:: play
  8. Massive:: Attack
  9. Depressed:: sad
  10. Award:: reward