Friday, January 30, 2004

the friday five
You have just won one million dollars:
1. Who do you call first? Probably my daughters mother, Lesley
2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? First thing a beer! Then something gadety, I need a new phone, I'd like a digi cam...
3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? My mum's house.
4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? Mum, sister.
5. Do you invest any? If so, how? Try to invest half in stocks and shares. Half million with 5% interest would pay 25,000 a year. Stocks normally return 12%, 60,000.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Sunday, January 25, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings: "
  1. Political:: Discussion
  2. Concentration:: dump
  3. Fish:: face
  4. Lunacy:: madness
  5. Red:: adare
  6. Imply:: hint
  7. Recognize:: notice
  8. Sexist:: comment
  9. Commercial:: break
  10. Stricken:: ailing

Friday, January 23, 2004

Popular Science | How Fit Is Your Brain Right Now?
My final score was 10 out of 13.
the friday five
At this moment, what is your favorite...
1. Joss Stone - For The Love Of You Joss Stone: The Soul Sessions
2. Quakers Oats or eggs and bangers and mash
3. show? BBC THREE - Little Britain
4. ...scent? Vanilla
5. ...quote? "All Earth In One Union"

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

This has tickled my fancy:

"The idea is simple, sortof like a photo gallery, but without any photos whatsoever. With a canvass 170 pixels wide, and 410 pixels high, create a typographical representation of yourself."

Can you type ?

Sunday, January 18, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings: "
  1. Berry:: Black
  2. Fiendish:: Grimley
  3. Bar:: Fly
  4. Frank:: McIntire
  5. Bend:: U
  6. Fanatic:: Relgious
  7. Belch:: Burp
  8. Flagrant:: breach
  9. Burden:: beast of
  10. Flimsy:: paper thin

Friday, January 16, 2004

the friday five

  1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?

    Name, company, web site address, email, fax.

  2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?

    We don't have them in England

  3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?

    I don't drive

  4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?

    No... don't think so.

  5. What would you like your epitaph to be?

    Gosh that's hard... I want to be immortal! "Loving father" would do...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

LunaNi? | Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Mitchell:: Warren
  2. Mercury:: Rising
  3. Cycle:: Washing machine
  4. Engagement:: wedding
  5. Alternative:: music
  6. Gang:: bang
  7. Emotional:: blackmail
  8. Skinny:: dipping
  9. Hypochondriac::sickness
  10. Insecure:: feelings

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Fulham back to winning ways.
Fulham Football Club 2 - Everton 1. Despite Everton bringing on Wayne Rooney (he's fat, he's scouse, he'll rob your bleeding' house) and Duncan Furguson as extra attack in the second half along with Radzinskiu, Campbell and Jeffers, Fulham dominated much of the game and deservedly won the match. This makes the upcoming game at Goodison Park in the FA Cup a little more welcoming...

The beginning of this game was end-to-end stuff, Fulham finally getting a goal from the spot after Malbranque was pulled down at the end of the first half. "Want Away Striker" Louis Saha tucked away the penalty. The second half started brightly within a minute Malbranque had scored from open play. Everton threw caution to the wind, brought on all three subs, and bombarded us for the rest of the game. They scored a terrific goal with about 10 minutes to go; we held on and got all the points. Cool beans! I got the penalty on video.

The Everton manager complained afterwards that they should have won, having somehow seen 10 chances on goal in the first 15 minutes. According to the GameCast on ESPN, FFC had 14 shots with 10 on target while Everton had 11 shots with only 5 on target. Now I know I've got "black and white eyes", but his comments are ridiculous!

The ref was Graham Pol, who as the song goes, is a fucking arsehole, the Everton defense were climbing all over Saha, but he never gave a thing for us. Ref's have a hard time - no matter what they do, one section of fans will always feel hard done by, but he really seems to go out of his way to go against Fulham - more annoying as it was the Toffees fans giving him the most stick!

I find it's the old time "big clubs" that no longer are, that cause the most trouble. Getting frustrated about the lack of glory these days. Everton have some song about their "History", so perhaps it's not a suprise that their fans also threw stuff on the pitch at Boa Morte, and one got arrested/pulled out at half time.

Next time we play them is in the FA Cup 5th round, our only away win at Everton was in 1975 when we got to the FA-Cup final. Lets hope we can do it again. COYW!
Stumbled across this site, with an interesting article on sports curses/destiny. Makes my drinking a Guinness the night before a Fulham game and wearing black socks look nice and sane.
Google Search: pimpmobile fulham: "pimpmobile " This is easy!
Google Search: Yezidi redhead: "Yezidi redhead" another googlewhack!
My first Googlewhack
Google Search: Symantec Yezidi (Googlewhack)

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Just did another web site: Stranded In London. Knocked it together in three or four hours. I'm quite pleased with it myself. Let's see what the client says... and if he'll pay ;)
Same ole
I used to read comics a bit many years ago, 2000AD stuff, and the ocational Bastard Bunny (See T-Shirt Museum) which sadly didn't take off. But I recently somehow surfed to a review of Image Comics The Walking Dead (five page preview) and bought it. I am hopelessly hooked... I've got #1 and #3 but NEED to find #2 before I can read on.

I've even went out and bought a Stephen King novel, the Stand as the reviewer said there were parallels!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Middlesbrough 2-1 Fulham
, Shit. Down to seventh now. I get really depressed when we lose to sides we should beat. According to the commentary on the radio the first goal came from a corner which should have never been given... but that's scant consolation, as Boro seemed to have the upper hand the whole time.

I did a bit more work on my own Alternate Football Leagues Scoring, so you can see how last years premiership would have finished with extra points given for score draws or for goals.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Make Beer not War!
Last night I went to a quiz night (second 31 points) at the Theodore Bullfrog, Charing Cross, London, got chatting to the quiz master from Heavenly Marketing Ltd about web stuff, then left at closing to go home. Nice. As I neared my flats two youths were kicking rubbish bags about, so I confronted them. (Stupid thing to do). Anyway, after a few minutes swearing, we all just laughed it off and they invited me for another drink and we ended up having a nice conversation. Cool beans!
Type in a phrase, then Let them sing it for you.
Mr. Picassohead!

Monday, January 05, 2004

Sunday, January 04, 2004

I was born in Neath, so I guess these guys are my Rugby team: Neath RFC - The Welsh All Blacks. Shit we just lost!

Back home in London, my football team, Fulham Football Club who are 5th in the premiership, just managed a 2-1 win against a team 4th from bottom of the third division. Not a great display, but at least it's a win...
LunaNiñ | Unconscious Mutterings:

  1. Vintage:: Clothing
  2. Longing:: yearn
  3. Specimen:: jar
  4. Mock:: turtles Google Directory - Arts > Music > Bands and Artists > M > Mock Turtles, The
  5. Shit:: house
  6. Friday:: fun
  7. Cruel:: Summer
  8. Insufficient:: funds
  9. Pessimistic:: attiutude
  10. Grin:: and bear it